“Nicholas Dold is a silent force who is able to anticipate and work with me without any verbal or written cues. I can focus 100% on the music and know that he is there to support me. He has always brought out the best in me in our shared performances.”
- Margaret Nomura-Clark, Conductor
“Whether I’m in the recording studio, the lesson setting, or the concert hall, I view my role as a collaborative pianist with a simple, singular function: to support my colleagues in achieving our shared vision for a unified performance.
In many ways, collaborative pianists have the privilege of being the most interactive of all musicians. Part of the excitement in working with other musicians is making new musical discoveries about a work of music that may have been played hundreds of times but was never fully realized until that particular combination of personalities.
I always bring a thorough and detailed knowledge of the score to all of my collaborative engagements while still being receptive to what can be done to foster a seamless sense of coordination in the ensemble.
For me, there is truly no greater joy in music making than when two or more musical minds “click” and achieve their end goal...”